📱Attentive x Smartrr Integration

Instructions on how to set up SMS subscription management with Smartrr's native Attentive integration.

Last updated: April 13, 2024


📲 Note: Smartrr does not currently act as a service to gather SMS subscribers. For this integration, we are assuming that your customers are already subscribed via Attentive. For instructions on how to gather Attentive subscribers, click here.

To integrate Attentive and Smartrr, go to the Integrations tab in the Smartrr admin. Find the Attentive card and click Connect.

Click Authorize when prompted to allow Smartrr access to your Attentive account.

Attentive Triggers

The Smartrr x Attentive integration works by sending triggers on a subscriber-level that can be used to create automations inside the Attentive admin based on the below events.

In green we've outlined some example copy for SMS automations that your shop could create using these triggers.

Jump to the section below to learn how to set up journeys in Attentive using Smartrr triggers.

TriggerDescriptionPotential SMS Example

🆕 Subscription Created

Sent whenever a new subscription is created

Hi {first_name}, thanks for your subscription! Manage your subscription by creating an account here: {account_page_link}

🔁 Upcoming Subscription Order

Sent 3 days before upcoming order, customer provided option to skip

Heads up: your upcoming subscription will ship in 3 days. Not quite ready? Just reply SKIP

⏭ Subscription Skipped

Sent when a customer skips after receiving the upcoming order notification

Confirmed! Your upcoming subscription will be skipped. Your next order will be on {new_delivery_date}

⏮ Subscription Unskipped

Sent when a subscription order has been unskipped

Confirmed! Your upcoming subscription will no longer be skipped. Your next order will be on {new_delivery_date}

⏸ Subscription Paused

Sent when a subscription has been paused

Confirmed! Your subscription has been paused. Resume anytime via your account: {account_page_link}

⏯ Subscription Activated

Sent when a previously paused subscription has been resumed

Your subscription has been successfully resumed. Your next order will be on {new_delivery_date}

⏹ Subscription Canceled

Sent when a subscription has been canceled

We're reaching out to confirm your subscription has been canceled. We're sorry to see you go.

💳 Payment Method Updated

Sent whenever a customer successfully updates their payment method

Hi {first_name}, your payment method has been successfully updated!

❗️Failed Subscription Payment

Sent whenever a payment method for an upcoming order has failed

Your recent payment wasn't completed. To update your payment method, click here: {account_page_link}

Attentive Journeys

To create a journey in Attentive, navigate to Journeys under Messaging.

Click Create Journey. Create a new journey from scratch.

Select from one of the available Smartrr triggers. You can also filter the trigger list by Smartrr app only.

You're now ready to add steps to your journey. When complete, make sure to Turn on your journey.

Last updated