πWhat are the definitions behind the metrics in Advanced Analytics?
Our Advanced Analytics powered by Looker summarizes subscription and subscription customer counts for your business.
Last updated: April 10, 2024
Subscription and subscription customer counts are broken out between Active, Paused, New and Canceled statuses. Subscription customer counts will typically be slightly lower than subscription counts since some subscribers often have multiple subscriptions.
Active subscriptions will generate new recurring orders automatically per the terms of the subscription contract.
Paused subscriptions will not generate new orders automatically, but are available to be set back to active if needed since the subscription contract is still in effect.
Canceled subscriptions will not generate new orders and cannot be set back to active without requiring a new customer checkout and a new subscription contract.
New subscriptions are any subscriptions that were created in that timeframe (e.g. in that month if the Aggregation Interval is set to Monthly).
Last updated